via Anja of clever nettle
Good grief. I can't believe it's October already.
As evidenced by the lack of activity around here, the bulk of September flew by, with me feeling like I've nothing to show for it! Except money.
I mentioned in my last post about a few days work in a library - that was followed by a week and a half in another school. Yesterday was my last day there, and I was sad to leave such a lovely, kind, funny bunch of kids.
I've yet to properly adjust to working full time again, especially teaching. It's so great, I couldn't ask for a job I'd like more, but goddamn it can be exhausting.
But enough of that. It's October!!
October is my favourite month. I love autumn, and it certainly comes into it's own in October. I'm super pumped for Thanksgiving this year - I'll be cooking our dinner on Sunday, and then going to a big potluck one on Monday with friends. Hallowe'en never gets old for me, and I'm pretty sure I've settled on my costume for this year, which really I should get started on soon (it always comes up much faster than I think it will!).
And, most importantly - my birthday! I actually share my birthday with my friend Caitlin, and we're planning some kind of gluttonous food crawl for the day - it will be fantastic.
So here's to a wonderful October - full of good friends, good food, and of course, good fall fashion ;)

Scarves, stripes, camel and navy - some of my fall faves. And those leaves! Anja again.