Sonia Rykiel

Anna Sui

Betsey Johnson

Jean Paul Gaultier

Louis Vuitton

Marc by Marc Jacobs

My lovely friend Caitlin, during a get together at her lovely apartment on Canada Day.
(This whole not having a scanner thing is starting to get on my nerves, think I'll have to remedy that.)
This morning I finished Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood, which Caitlin recommended. I loved it. And then she linked me to this awesome article on The Hairpin about it. In short - Caitlin rules.
Late post. Internet issues and general slacktitude have made it quieter around here than I would like.
My youngest sister Cordelia turned 21 this week, which is pretty crazy. A summer birthday meant a lot of celebrating happened at my Nanny's house, where we would be frequently taking advantage of the pool.
Calypso, Cor, me and my nanny - all us girls in the sun porch enjoying some homemade cake - can't get much better.
The always-popular bathroom self portrait.
Canada Day, 2011.
Got my first roll developed the other day, and everything works - hooray!
I got the camera body and lens separately, both on ebay and both for pretty cheap (all together I think the camera cost me $40) so I was a little worried.
A slightly-belated post - I realized I had a picture from when I tried Magnolia cupcakes. The vanilla ones were as good as mine (using their recipe) and I believe I got a red velvet but was a little underwhelmed because the icing gave my mouth that gross greasy feel (always use butter only, dudes).
Another gem from my NYC trip in summer 2009.
First ever try at red velvet cupcakes. I used the Magnolia Bakery recipe (their vanilla cupcake is my go to recipe because it is ohmygodsoawesome).
They're cheek-tinglingly sweet, so I'm happy. The other 24 of them are coming with me to a friend's house for some Canada Day bbqing and firework watching.
Hope all my fellow Canadians are having a lovely day, and everyone else too :)