Since I work on-call I can have a lot of time off during the week and I would rather not spend all that time on facebook and watching the Food Network (which I can, all too easily). So bring on the projects!
So far I've mostly used the machine to piece together a bunch of patchwork squares and to fix Adam's jeans and underpants. All worthwhile causes, but today I finished my first proper project - and what a traditional one it was. Cozy time!

My lovely, if cluttered, work station.
The floral material for the outside of the tea cozy was a fat quarter I scored over at Spool of Thread, and the lining material is an old pillowcase. I used these instructions, which include how to draw your pattern (the red piece).
For batting I went the thrifty route, and used an old towel we had laying around. It made it a little trickier to sew and turn, but hey, it's eco-friendly ;)

Nothing is complete without a little embroidered embellishment. I drew the letters on free hand, which is fairly obvious.

Et voila! It turned out to be a little small for my teapot, so I split the one side open so the spout could peek out. It wasn't the neatest alteration, but I'm okay with that.