I've always been a pretty huge bookworm. In the last few years though I've realized that I have a hard time reading if I'm sad, or have something stressing me out. The last little while for me has included both of these emotions, and as a result I have not read much.
As I mentioned recently, I just finished Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood, which was the first book I finished since probably about November.
This is unacceptable! And so to mimic the popular CBC tradition of Canada Reads, I bring you
Chloe Reads: bookshelf edition.
I have banned myself from buying or borrowing books from the library until I read (at least) 5 of the books I already own. I'm also aiming to get them all read within 2 months (which I feel is more than enough time really...just setting myself up for success).
My selected 5:
Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf - just one of those books I've been meaning to read for ages.
A Great Deliverance by Elizabeth George - I was given this book from a family member. I was raised on a steady diet of British mysteries and in the last two years I've read a lot of PD James so this seems like something I'll enjoy. I started it last night actually and I think it'll be a nice quick read.
Wide Saragasso Sea by Jean Rhys - I've read a lot of her already. Most of what I've read by her I think I did in my hostel room in Thunder Bay, which is kind of fitting really. This is actually one of her better known books it seems.
The Blessing by Nancy Mitford - I haven't read anything by her before. A couple years back I got into the Mitford sisters and the crazy life they all lead. When I was back home recently I noticed this book and grabbed it.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte - again, another from that list of classics to be read.
I didn't set out to pick all lady authors, but there you have it.