I hope to get down to Portland again before I leave this coast (maybe by train!), sometime in the summer.
The weather lately hasn't been great - still cool, greyish and rainy. It has been reminding me though of the weather when we were in Portland and has left me feeling very nostalgic about the trip.
And so - some photos!

View from our room

First day's breakfast spot

Inside Powell's City of Books. What a place.

My lovely company

Voodoo Donuts.

I kinda wanted to check this place out, but the patrons outside generally looked a little no-goodnick-y.

Inside one of the coolest bars I've ever been to.

Second day's breakfast.

I bought some.

Fun fact: Matt Groening is from Portland and named a lot of Simpsons characters after streets there.

On the way home, on South Tacoma Way. We tried to listen to Neko Case's song, but didn't have it.
How can it have been a year already?