My next birthday is my 30th. And while I am determined for it to "not be a big deal", well, we'll see how that goes.
But in the spirit of being a grown up and making goals, I've come up with 29 things I plan to do before I turn 30.
1. Make a quilt
2. Start swimming regularly
3. Make gumbo
4. Make 3 different types of cheese
5. Organize sewing room/work area
6. Learn how to knit
7. Make a piece of clothing for myself
8. Get Horizon training
9. Do my driving test
10. GO to a life drawing class
11. Put photos into photo albums
12. Edit wardrobe to only things I wear & love
13. Do some dyeing with homemade natural dyes
14. Make an embroidery sampler
15. Do a photography project/learn to use all the cameras around me
16. Paint a picture
17. Sew something for Minnie
18. Make mustard
19. Take a train trip
20. Host a themed dinner party
21. Go to Museum of Anthropology
22. Organize spices/pantry
23. Do yoga regularly
24. Finish 'mad women' embroidery project
25. Get into making smoothies
26. Do a daily photo project for at least a month
27. Read 30 books
28. Go to Vancouver Police Museum
29. Go to New Orleans (again!)

The (very, very, hopeful) plan is that I will actually ring in my birthday in New Orleans. With lots of friends, maybe even some family - that would be ideal.
There are some long overdue things on the list *coughDRIVERSLICENSEcough* and some newer interests of mine. A lot of the things on my list are things I've been meaning to do for ages and have bits and pieces in books and documents on here related to them (painting, sampler). I've got such a problem with motivating myself though. So here is a list for all to see! And if I fail, then all will see that too!
#23 should get easier when Che Baba opens up... it's what, 300m from your house? ;) They've got free yoga class Sundays...
ReplyDeleteI should of did this, I just turned 30 back in May!
ReplyDeleteLisa - good to know! :D
ReplyDeleteYeye - You could do it for your next birthday! I'm hoping to make this a yearly endeavour.